Moonlight Ball Combi Earring_Black

✳︎ Story

조용하고 편안한 깊은 밤과 은은히 부서지는 달빛을
모티브로 한 귀걸이입니다.
입체적인 디자인으로 볼륨감은 있지만 가벼워
데일리로 착용하기 좋은 디자인으로,
다양한 씬과 스타일에 연출할 수 있습니다.

기본은 한 쪽 면은 블랙, 한 쪽 면은 실버지만
한쪽씩 반대로 착용하여 올 블랙, 올 실버로
착용 가능합니다.

These earrings are inspired by
the quiet and tranquil deep night and
the softly breaking moonlight.
With a three-dimensional design,
they have volume yet are lightweight,
making them ideal for daily wear.
They can be styled for various scenes and outfits.

The base design features one side in
black and the other in silver,
allowing for versatile wearing options: you can wear them with both sides matching in all black
or all silver by reversing each earring

✳︎ Material

Silver 925
블랙 도금

✳︎ Size

Main pendant:   16.5 mm x  16.5 mm
Weight:  ± 7.1 g 

✳︎ Delivery

About 10 to 14days

Mon - Fri 10:00 - 5:00

Closed on weekends and holidays

NAYUTA, CEO : Kyuna Kim

BIZ LICENSE: 805-11-02020
ONLINE BIZ LICENSE: 2022-서울강동-1018



ADDRESS: 360, Godeok-ro, Gangdong-gu, 
Seoul, Republic of Korea
Copyright ⓒ Chambriller1928